The savior

Unfortunately, it happens that a session is canceled at short notice. My first session of the year was just this...with less than 48 hours I posted that I was looking for a model for Sunday.

After only a few hours, Natalia got in touch. She was keen to take some photos in the studio. We didn't decide more than that.

Sometimes it's best that way. No expectations and no demands.

I LOVE sessions with challenges and trying new lighting or crazy make-up. But often you (I) have such high expectations and it therefore doesn't turn out as well (as expected).

But these "we'll see what happens" sessions are actually underrated. There will be more like this in the future, I think.

Yeah, enough about that. A big thank you to Natalia "the savior" who showed up at short notice and did a great job with it. Will be another session in the future.

Anyway, here below you have the result.